Managing Anxiety & Depression with Movement

Exercise is an effective way to help manage anxiety and depression and can be as effective as light to moderate medication.

Yes you knew that already (well hopefully).

Well, physical activity also has strong therapeutic effects similar to psychotherapy (often the recommended treatment for depression).


What makes exercise unique is its accessibility.

Many mental health services can take time to get into including waiting for referrals and being put on waitlists which delays the time is takes to start feeling better and creating a change.

Exercise is something that can be started immediately, with no barriers.

Exercise starts boosting endorphins and building better mental health from the very first time and builds and releases more benefits over time.

Making it an option that you are in control of.

That you can start at any time to improve your mood no matter if you are just looking for ways to be happier or are in need a serious change.

That is AWESOME!

If you want to start improving your health, physical activity is one of the first things you should do, especially if you are waiting for treatment, or not yet ready/are not currently wanting to seek professional treatment for depression or anxiety.

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