How To Sleep Better to Improve Mental Health

Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep?

Sleep is SO important for everything we do and is ESSENTIAL for our mental health.

Want a quick way to improve your sleep starting today?

Physical activity!

Studies show that 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity can give great sleep benefits.

Including a higher quality of sleep, meaning you feel better, more rested, and more energized the next day!

Exercise helps stabilize your mood and calm your mind.
Exercise helps with sleep disorders like Insomnia.
Exercise helps limit discomfort while sleeping (sleeping in the right positions help too).

Your body will also FEEL sleepier in the evening when you are ready for bed, helping you fall asleep faster and drift into your different stages of sleep easier.

Adults aim for 7-9 hours per night.

Want tons of tips on how to have the best nights sleep? Go read the SLEEP section in our Build Better Mental Health Guide.

Understanding and taking control of my sleep has helped me soooo much. I would love to know how exercise and sleep have helped you. Hit reply and share 😊

Now go get a good nights sleep!

Seriously, good sleep is one of the top MOST IMPORTANT ways to have good mental health. If you don’t have a good sleep, I would strongly suggest trying to improve it starting tonight.

Sleep is one of the things our brains and bodies REQUIRE every single day to have good well-being. Lack of sleep greatly increases symptoms of depression. If you have a hard time sleeping and are not sure what to do send me a message and let’s figure it out.

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