It's Been A While!

It’s Been A While!

First off,

The best way to stay updated is being on our email list. If it’s your first time you will also get a 5-Day Challenge including a Free Guide and Videos to welcome you!

As always, I promised every email will be valuable to you and include important information, free stuff for you, new research and information on mental and physical health, and resources for you.
Ok, here are the BIG UPDATES:
Something exciting (and long awaited) is coming!

The Healthy Body Happy Mind 12-Week Challenge is releasing very soon! You’re not going to want to miss this.

Everything I’ve learned and practiced over the past decade, from all my education and working with hundreds of clients, all packed into a 12-Week Challenge to make it easy for you.

Because YOU deserve to wake up knowing you’re happy and proud of your life, your body, and your Mental and Physical Health.

Learn and practice what really creates good mental and physical health, for a fraction of the cost of other programs.

Just 12-weeks, with one to two easy tasks per week, to completely change your mental and physical health.

This has taken literally years to put together and is unlike anything currently out there.
If you’ve ever been interested in what I do, you won’t want to miss this.

Just 12-Weeks, but the results can last forever.

Emails and social media will start again, but much less frequently.

Social media can be a good tool, but it has never been something I enjoyed being on and can be very time consuming. It is a great tool to help reach more people, but it can also take away time that would otherwise be spent with clients or working on programs.

So, you will only get periodic updates on important information and free stuff for you, new research, and information on mental and physical health, and offers specific to you.
That’s it! Sound good?
There has been A LOT more research into Exercise and Depression the last couple years, and there is now even a Toolkit. All of this is funneled into the 12-Week Challenge. 

You can check out this Exercise and Depression Toolkit, designed for health care providers, but you may learn some cool stuff too.
Created in partnership with many organizations including the Canadian Mental Health Foundation and the University of BC:

I am happy with the research lately surrounding mental health and I'm looking forward to sharing some of that with you so you can understand what creates good mental and physical health (the whole point of Elate Fitness).
That’s all for now.

Take Care, 

 Corbin Bednarik

Elate Fitness: Helping you understand and create the Healthy Body and Happy Mind you deserve.
Always remember, all of us have mental health and you are NOT alone.