3 Ways Exercise Transforms Your Brain

You live in your body and mind every second of every day. You deserve to enjoy them.

I created Elate Fitness as a way to guide people to understand their physical and mental health, subdue depressive feelings, and thrive in their life.

Wendy Suzuki, a professor of Neural Science and Psychology at New York University has a similar mission and has spent many years studying the mind and body.

Wendy gave a Ted Talk called the brain-changing benefits of exercise explaining how exercise is the most transformative thing you can do for your brain for 3 reasons:

1. Immediate Effects:

- Increasing neurotransmitters for an immediate boost in mood after the workout

- Improves focus and memory for at least 2 hours afterwards

- Improves reaction times

2. Long Term:

- Exercises increases new brain cells in the Hippocampus which increase its volume

- Improve long term memory

- Improve attention function

- Long lasting increases in those good mood neurotransmitters

3. Protective Effects on the Brain:

- Regular workouts increase volume

- Help prevent neurodegenerative diseases (like dementia and Alzheimer’s) and cognitive decline

Practice healthy movement 3-4x per week with 30min session and aerobic sessions to get the most from this!

You can watch her Ted Talk here: https://www.ted.com/talks/wendy_suzuki_the_brain_changing_benefits_of_exercise?referrer=playlist-the_most_popular_ted_talks_of_2018#t-694292

If ANY of those are something you want to improve then you should incorporate healthy movement into your daily routine.

There are health professionals, scientists, and researchers all over the world showing how important and beneficial exercise and healthy living is for our physical health and mental health.

How do we make it easy to start, easy to understand, and easy to follow?

That is what Elate Fitness is for.

Elate Fitness takes the guess work out of becoming healthier and creating a better life.

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