How Physical Activity Helps Mental Health

With depression and anxiety being 2 of the most common mental disorders.

Being one of the leading causes of disability worldwide.

And an average of 1 in 5 of us experiencing a mental illness each year.

Having long-lasting health, social, and economic impacts on ourselves, our families, and even those around us.

Continuing throughout life unless it is managed.


At what point do we start finding the knowledge to change ourselves and start building better mental health?

That is a HUGE reason I created Elate Fitness.

To show you how to improve your physical health and in turn your mental health, and to give you the knowledge to convince yourself that this is important.

Physical Activity is a very powerful, often misunderstood, tool that any of us can use to improve our lives.

Many studies show physical activity can generate several physiological changes in our bodies which

  • lower Stress Levels

  • Improve Mood

  • Elevate Endorphins

  • Create Feelings of Euphoria

While improving the function of neurotransmitters like

  • Serotonin

  • Dopamine

  • Noradrenaline

Physical Activity acts in a similar way as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) antidepressants and can be as effective as mild to moderate antidepressant medication.

It has also been shown to have similar therapeutic effects on mental wellbeing as that of psychotherapy.


This is something that is right in front of all of us.

Something we can do daily…

Maybe that’s going for a walk, following a workout online, hiring a trainer, or finding whatever works for you!

Sometimes we need to make the decision to make our health a priority and that can start with becoming more physically active.

So please reply share how you plan to be more physically active, or share what your favourite form of physical activity is.

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