Image that says: Build Better Mental Health VIP Membership with Corbin Bednarik

 A 12-Week Online 1:1 Coaching Plan to empower anyone ready to improve their mental health, to understand why they feel how they feel, and implement sustainable lifestyle changes in their lives for greater mental and physical well-being.

How Does Our Mental Health Work?

How do we boost our feel-good chemicals? How do we improve our health so we can enjoy the benefits of a happier healthier life?

That is what this program is for.

To take you from feeling unhappy, overwhelmed, and unhealthy to feeling confident and in control of your mental and physical health.

Does The Following Sound Familiar?

You feel like getting in physical shape and emotionally healthy is too difficult.

You feel like your mental health isn’t great and you can’t seem to find a way to make it better.

Maybe you’ve tried diets and exercise and ways to make you feel better but you don’t see the results you want.

You feel unsure and overwhelmed with what to do and the thought of starting something new or going to a gym makes you feel anxious.

If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place. Keep Reading.

The last thing you want is another pep talk about how you should “smile” and “get over it”, or “just feel better”.

I am here to tell you that it is not your fault you feel this way.

That the science behind your emotions, thought, and feelings is explainable.

And, most importantly, there are ways to alleviate the negative effects of mental health you are feeling today.

These lifestyle changes and healthy habits ease the burden and improve your overall well-being.

My name is Corbin Bednarik,

I am a Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Practicing Kinesiologist, and High Performance Specialist.

I have spent my whole professional life helping people overcome chronic diseases, recover from injuries, and empowering people to improve their lives regardless of any challenges they face.

My younger sister Sydney died by suicide in 2017 after silently battling anxiety and depression.

This was the catalyst for creating Elate Fitness and this VIP membership.

Since that moment, I have dedicated all of my efforts to improving mental health for everyone around me. I have used my in-depth knowledge of the brain and body and put together this membership to focus on showing and teaching you exactly how your mental health works and how to improve it.

I want to make sure that no one else around me has to feel like my sister did, and feel unhappy or hopeless when there are so many powerful ways to help improve your mood, manage anxiety, lessen depression and build better mental health for life.

This Is What Brings Me To You…

How do you manage your mental and physical health?

What if I told you improved mental health could be achieved with small, sustainable steps towards nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle habits designed to improve your mental health.

That these changes help boost and regulate your endorphins and neurotransmitters that allow you to feel good like serotonin and dopamine.

This VIP Membership is to teach and show you how to make simple positive changes in your life in small sustainable steps so you can improve your well-being for life.

My approach is all about helping you understand these connections and stop feeling like the heavy burden you lug around is your fault.

Because it isn’t.

and this is why I am so excited to present the:


A 12 week online 1:1 coaching program to empower anyone ready to improve their mental health, to understand why they feel how they feel, and implement sustainable lifestyle changes in their lives for greater mental and physical well-being.

What Do You Get With This One On One Experience With Me?


Clarity Questionnaire & Call

Clarity Questionnaire - so I know exactly what your current abilities are and what you are hoping for.

60 Minute Kickoff Video Call - where we really get to know each other and dive into your goals so I can understand you.

1:1 Coaching

Twelve 30 Minutes Video Coaching Calls - directly with me adapted weekly for whatever you need most.

Weekly Lifestyle Action Plan

Weekly Action Tasks - completely customized for you and broken down into 3 core parts; Healthy Movement, Healthy Eating, and Healthy Habits over the 12 weeks.

Support & Accountability

Direct Support - access to direct messaging daily and regular check-ins to keep you on track and motivated.

Elate Fitness App Membership

Elate Fitness Mobile App - this is where you will see your workouts, habits, direct messaging, and be able to track all your progress.


The Focus Of This 12-Week Plan Is To:


Take Just A Moment And Imagine If…

…you had a tool kit and resources filled with healthy ways to manage stress, anxiety, and depression that are sustainable for life

…you felt an overall sense of wellness and health both physically and mentally

…you felt a sense of relief knowing you’re prioritizing how you feel and helping manage your mental health

…you could live every day without those negative self thought and emotions consuming you

I am here to EDUCATE you on this mind/body connection and how it specifically helps mental health.

I am here to INSPIRE you to move, change your eating habits, and implement healthy habits in your life.

I am here to nudge you into ACTION so that managing your mental health becomes much easier.

My main focus is not for you to lose weight or become the world’s next bodybuilder.

It is for you to feel good.

That you feel safe learning, growing, and working towards a healthier life.

That you know there is someone that cares and is invested in your well-being.

And the weight loss, muscle gain, or whatever your secondary goal is, can be achieved as well, but without that being the sole focus of this plan.

I care that my clients are ok during and after working with me.

“I’ve worked with Corbin for a little over 4 years. I reached my highest weight in Nov 2017. At that point I was utterly depressed and in constant chronic pain. I had to buy 4xl PJs. It has been a long and emotional few years, physically and personally, but Corbin has been there every step of the way with me and I could not ask for a better coach. He is kind, and always reminds you to be patient and kind to yourself, and trust the process.

So far Corbin’s helped me lose 127lbs. I’ve gone from 325lbs to my current weight at 197lbs and I’m not done yet. Corbin has helped me regain confidence, my self-esteem, my strength, my eating habits, and helped manage my eating disorder.

To sum it up, Corbin is one of the key people who’s put the happiness back in my life. He is professional, hardworking, trustworthy, dedicated to his clients, friendly, and he will push you when you don’t know you have strength to do it, because he see’s the potential in you. And when you are doubting yourself he gives you back your confidence.”
— Rockell S
“In October of 2017 I decided I needed help. The challenges in my life became too overwhelming affecting my health, fitness and overall wellness. I needed to change. I needed to find a way to help deal with stress and anxiety. I’ve always been into fitness so this seemed to be the next logical step. Sometimes it just takes asking that question. For me it was approaching Corbin and saying “can you help me?” What I got in return was an incredible workout routine, advice on diet and accessible advice and help at any time. My life has been turned around for the better. All I had to do was get the courage to ask for help.”
— Steve L


What Stops You From Improving Your Well-Being?

Let me take the guesswork out of becoming healthier.

Click the button below to book a free strategy session with me and let’s see if the VIP membership is the right fit for you.

It is your life, your benefit. Is it time to put yourself first?


Initial Call - To start, you will fill out a clarity questionnaire so I can learn more about you before jumping into our initial 60 minute call. During this call we dive right into who you are, what your goals are, and what parts of your life we can improve. During this call we will set out a plan you are excited and motivated to follow.


1:1 Coaching - Each week, we will have a 30 minute coaching call. This is the core focus of this program. This is when we set out your action tasks, answer all questions you have, overcome any potential set backs, and get you confidently on track to improving your life. Including weekly action tasks so we can improve one thing at a time. Making one small change per week for 12 weeks makes a huge difference. The focus of each call will change depending on what you will benefit from most.


Physical Activity Plan - Physical Activity is a core focus of this plan and is essential for balancing and improving your feel good chemicals. We will change your relationship with exercise and get you moving in a way you enjoy. This includes easy to follow workouts built for you based on the equipment you have access to (including descriptive video demonstrations and follow-along workouts inside the Elate Fitness App) that slowly progress in difficulty, cardio alternatives, stretching sequences, and guidance on incorporating more movement in your life. All of these, based on your goal, are designed to tone your body, increase your mobility, strength, and endurance. All workouts can be adapted depending on your abilities, chronic conditions, injuries, or physical limitations.


Nutrition Guidance - What you eat is so important for your body, your energy, and your mood. Food is another essential component of creating a healthy mind and body. We will change your relationship with food and get you confident and enjoying everything you eat without feeling guilty, understanding how to read nutrition labels, and create healthy meals. This is not a diet, this is creating healthy eating habits that you can use your entire life. Specific to whatever eating preference you have. AND this is loaded will resources to help you do that, including meal guides, recipe books, “how to” guides, suggested grocery shopping lists, and everything you might need.


Habit Challenges - Everything you do each day contributes to your lifestyle. We will break down components of your life and use them as ways to enhance your mood and energy, including your sleep and how your form positive self-esteem. Each week we will focus on one new habit, teach you how habits are formed, and make you confident and empowered to make small but impactful changes in your life.


Support & Accountability - Additional to the coaching calls, you will have direct messaging with me to answer any questions that come up between our calls, and help get rid of any potential barriers. As well, I help create accountability with you with check-ins and motivation.


Elate Fitness App Access - You will have access to the Elate Fitness App. This is where everything comes together; where you will find and use your physical activity plan, where you can track your healthy eating, where you monitor your progress, and where you will have direct messaging with me!

This VIP Membership Is For People Who

Are ready to take action and follow a proven process towards a happier, healthier life.

Are ready to finally understand the connection between physical and mental health and work with me to implement change in your life.

Are ready to stop feeling overwhelmed, unhappy, and unhealthy.

“I have been lucky enough to work with Corbin for some time. I initially hired him because of his extensive background and credentials, but then quickly learned that he offers so much more than that! He understands that someone’s work out routine and wellness requires support for their habits, emotional and mental health, plus knowledge regarding the body and mind. As we all know life is dynamic.

Corbin has adapted with me as my body, life, and schedule have changed, all while showing me results with our work out regime. He caters the work outs to my body and pushes me mentally and physically. I am stronger both mentally and physically and I owe that to Corbin and his comprehensive training program. Thank you Corbin!”
— Shaina K
“I worked with Corbin for two years and I highly recommend him to anyone. I have back issues but with Corbin’s extensive knowledge and application of his expertise I was able to achieve a very high level of fitness. And it was fun!”
— Liz O

Ready To Improve Your Physical And Mental Health?

Let me take the guesswork out of becoming healthier.

Click the button below to book a free strategy session with me and let’s see if the VIP membership is the right fit for you.

It is your life, your benefit. Is it time to put yourself first?


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