Are you ready for a 12-Week Challenge that guides you to build better mental health and empowers you to implement easy sustainable lifestyle changes in your life so you can be healthier and happier?

Introducing The…

Healthy Body Happy Mind 12-Week Challenge

Taking the guesswork out of becoming healthier and happier so you can build better mental and physical health.

Healthy Body Happy Mind 12-week challenge display pictures with laptops, phones, and guide.

Before I Explain How It Works…

Do These Sound Familiar?

Do you feel like getting in physical shape and emotionally healthy is difficult?

Do you feel like your mental health isn’t great but you can’t seem to make it better long term?

Do you feel unsure about what to do and you feel overwhelmed with how much information is out there?

Do you have a hard time getting yourself to do things even though you know they’re good for you?

If you answered yes, you’re in the right place. Keep Reading…

Now Answer This Question Honestly…

When Was The Last Time You Truly Felt Good About Your Mental & Physical Health?

We all have our challenges:

Maybe you’ve been struggling, challenged by depression or anxiety…

Maybe you’ve lost someone you know, a family member, a friend, and are challenged with grief…

Maybe you’re going through a break-up, and are challenged with deep overpowering emotions…

Maybe, like many of us, you just feel like your mental and physical health could be better…

If you’re dealing with low moods, how are you building better mental and physical health?

If you’re just not feeling 100% and feel like your physical body and mental health should be better, how are you working on this?

How are you building better health?

If you don’t know how to answer this, you are the reason I created this challenge.

Corbin, sitting on the floor wearing an Elate Fitness shirt, smiling.


I am here to tell you that it is not your fault you feel this way.

That the science behind your emotions, thoughts, and feelings is explainable.

And, most importantly, there are ways to help alleviate the negative effects of mental health you are feeling today.

There are easy lifestyle changes and healthy habits that can ease the burden and improve your overall well-being.

But, there’s a lot of information out there and it can be very confusing…

So my goal was to create an easy to follow plan that focuses on building better mental health and bridges the gap between the science that we know improves mental health and the motivation that gets people to actually do it.

That is why I created the

Healthy Body Happy Mind 12-Week Challenge



You can do it, you might just need the right person to explain it to you in a way that you understand.


Hi there,

My name is Corbin Bednarik.

I am a Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Practicing Kinesiologist, High Performance Specialist, Exercise is Medicine Canada level 2 Health Professional, and I have studied Mental Health & Addictions.

I have spent my whole professional life helping people take control of their health, overcome chronic diseases, recover from injuries, and empowering people to improve their lives regardless of any challenges they face.

In 2017, my younger sister, Sydney, silently battled anxiety and depression and after thinking it was too much for her to manage she took her own life at just 23 years old. This was the catalyst for creating Elate Fitness.

My goal is to make sure no one else around me has to struggle alone, not knowing how to improve their mental health, while feeling unhappy or hopeless.

I made it my mission to create an accessible and affordable program that shows people how to do this.

But that’s enough about me for now. I know it can be hard trusting a stranger on the internet so I hope this helps for now. I’ll explain more about me further down this page!


This Is What Brings Me To YOU…

How do you manage your mental and physical health?

The human body is intricate and there are so many powerful ways to help balance your mood, manage anxiety, lessen depression, attain a healthy body, and create good health for life.

Do you know what these are?

What if I told you improved mental health can be achieved with small, sustainable steps towards healthy movement, healthy eating, and lifestyle habits designed to improve your mental health?

And these changes help boost and regulate your feel good chemicals and neurotransmitters like Serotonin and Dopamine, that help allow you to feel good and create good mental health?

And that these are being prescribed by mental health professionals to help depression.

Most of us know this, but...

…Many of us have a hard time motivating ourselves enough to take action.

So, how do you get yourself to do the things you know are good for you?

That’s why Elate Fitness was created, and that is why I created the Healthy Body Happy Mind 12-Week Challenge.

To show you how to build better mental health in 3 steps:

Step #1: To give you an easy to follow fitness plan that was designed specifically to build better mental health.

Step #2: To show you how to make this plan work for you in your life, with your body, in your schedule.

Step #3: To teach you how to prevent distraction or lack of time from stopping you from doing the things you know are good for you.

Doing this isn’t as hard as you may think!

And my goal with this page is to show you it is very realistic and possible for YOU to do this!

I Will Show You How To Make That Happen.

In this $97 12-Week Challenge, I will walk you through my exact steps to build better mental and physical health.

With these steps you will be able to:

1) Know you have a plan that is proven to build better mental health.

2) Know how to make it work in your life, with your abilities and fit it into your schedule.

3) And know how to overcome lack of time or distractions that stop you from doing the things you know are good for you.

AND you will be able to build better mental health while improving these 3 things:

Healthy Movement | Healthy Eating | Healthy Habits


I am going to challenge you to create a Healthy Body and Happy Mind in just 12 weeks.

By only learning and practicing just one to two new things per week. That’s it.

In the next few paragraphs my goal is to get you to believe that it is very possible and realistic.

And I’m going to show you the “secrets” that will make it simple for you to achieve that.

But First,

Why Is This So Important?

Because studies show 1 in 5 of us struggle with our mental health, and even more do who never say anything.

You live in your body and mind every second of every day. You DESERVE to enjoy it.

I don’t want you to wake up a year or 5 years from now with any regret that you didn’t create a healthy body and happy mind you were proud of, earlier, especially when research shows us how to do this.

I know you have a desire…

…to take control of your mental & physical health

…to reach that healthy bodyweight

…to feel confident in your own skin

…to feel healthy and happy

Can you Imagine being able to not only do this yourself, but pass that feeling and knowledge onto your family and loved ones too?

Once you know how you will have this knowledge for life!

The goal is to create a lifetime of being happier and healthier.

You can do it. And it is SO MUCH easier when you have a plan that shows you how.

and that is why I am so excited to present the

Healthy Body Happy Mind 12-Week Challenge!


A 12-Week Challenge that guides you to build better mental health and empowers you to implement easy sustainable lifestyle changes in your life so you can be healthier and happier.


What Do You Get In This 12-Week Challenge?

(Don’t worry, I will explain this in detail further down this page)


Habit Challenges

Easy weekly lifestyle challenges to guide you to take control of the habits you do daily that greatly influence your well-being.

Physical Activity Plan

A progressive workout plan with with lots of options, description videos, and adaptions to guide almost any fitness level to be more physically active. Physical activity is being prescribed to treat mild-moderate depression and boost your feel-good chemicals.

Nutrition Guidance

A guide teaching you what food is, how it benefits and impacts your mental health, and how you can take control of it in your life. What you eat greatly influences your mood, energy, and feel good chemicals.

Elate Fitness Mobile App

Where the whole plan comes together. Where everything is laid out for you, where you will see your videos and challenges, see everything in your calendar, and get reminder messages and notifications that are key to keep you motivated.

Action Plan

The strategy laid out so you just follow along. Including tons of extras like “how to” guides, descriptive videos, additional readings, and add-ons that help make this challenge so impactful in your life, so you are never guessing what to do.


If that seems like a lot, don’t worry!

The challenge is designed to lay it all out for you in an easy to follow way.

All while using motivational tricks to help you stay on track, overcome barriers and lack of motivation in your life, and guide you through the plan so you know exactly what to do.

The Focus Of This 12-Week Challenge Is To:


That Is Where I Come In

I am here to EDUCATE you on how to build better mental health.

I am here to INSPIRE you to move, change your eating habits, and implement healthy habits in your life.

I am here to nudge you into ACTION so you are motivated to actually do it.

My goal is for you to feel good and start living a healthier, happier life.

And I’ve spent the time figuring out how to make it easy for you to do just that.

So, I am sure you are curious…


(Hands Down The Most Value You’ll Ever See for $97!!!)

Now I want you to keep in mind, you don’t have to do everything! You can pick and choose what works best for you, in your life, with your schedule.


12-Weeks Of Habit Challenges ($247 Value)

Everything you need to make Healthy Habits a part of your everyday life including the ways to improve your Sleep, stay Hydrated, boost Self-Image and Personal Joy, and take control of your Nutrition. Because the things you do daily have the biggest impact on your mental and physical well-being and your feel-good chemicals.

Including descriptions teaching you why they are important, how they impact your mental and physical health (including the basic science behind it), and how to fit them into your life. This is one of the main reasons the 12-week challenge is so effective!


12-Week Workout Program ($397 Value)

Everything you need to make healthy movement a part of your life and maintain a healthy weight. Our bodies need movement to help regulate and balance most of our hormones and feel-good chemicals. Figuring out how to add this to your life is the easy part. Just pick one of the physical activity options best suits you and enjoy!

Including 12 weeks of bodyweight workouts that progress in difficulty, with easier and harder exercises & workouts to suit almost any fitness level including complete beginners. Added in are stretching workouts, alternatives to cardio, and over 60 different easy to follow workouts. Workouts can start at a simple 8 minutes and build up to 40+ minutes if needed. It’s that easy.

Did you know physical activity is being prescribed as a stand-alone treatment for mild-moderate depression, and a conjunctive treatment for severe depression? It is ESSENTIAL for good mental health.


Perfect Form Video Package ($147 Value)

Everything you need to make sure you are doing every exercise safely and properly. You get complete access to the entire “How To” exercise library with over 150 exercises. Including full 1-2min video walkthroughs of each exercise, exercise demonstrations, and variations to every exercise to make them easier, harder, or modified based on your ability level.

When you choose a physical activity option, you will always know what to do.


Nutrition Essential Bundle ($197 Value)

Proper eating is essential for good mental health and is one of the most important ways to help manage your feel-good neurotransmitter Serotonin.

This is everything you need so you know how to make Healthy Meals, what calories are and how to use them to benefit you, and when/what you should eat. Including “How to Read Nutrition Labels Guide”, “Grocery Shopping Lists”, “Example Meal Plans”, as well as a “Plant Based Recipe Pack”! Taking any guess work out of having healthy meals. It’s all there if you need the guidance.

Did you know, almost all of your serotonin (your main feel-good chemical) is derived from the food you eat? Your food is also your sole source of energy (mentally & physically) and allows everything in your body to function.


Elate Fitness Cookbook ($127 Value)

Need some ideas of what to cook? Everything you need to make Healthy Meals so you never worry about what to have. Including over 180 recipes of Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinners, Snacks, Salads, Desserts, Smoothies, and more! Most main dishes can be adjusted to be meat or plant based. Every recipe has a detailed description of exactly what to do and picture of the final result.

With so many options I’m sure you’ll find something that’s easy and delicious.


Elate Fitness App Access ($54 Value)

Access to the Elate Fitness App where your entire challenge is delivered! This gives you access to your training plan and current workouts, receive reminders and messages, where you will track your progress and (if you have one) connect a smart watch for more data.

This is where you will see all your challenges and exercise videos. Regularly $17.99/month.


“How To” Guide Package ($67 Value)

Everything you need to make sure you understand all the things you are asked to do. Including: “How To Create A Habit”, “How To Make More Time”, “How To Schedule Your Week” and more.

Each guide helps make your life a little easier if needed, which makes the challenge that much more effective.


Build Better Mental Health Guide ($107 Value)

A pdf guide breaking down 9 Healthy Habits that contribute to good Mental & Physical Health, what they are, how they work, and how you can improve them. Including resources as well as bonus videos to help explain them in detail if you’re intrigued to learn more.

Learning the basic science behind why certain movements, foods, sleep patterns, hydration levels, etc. influence your body and feel-good hormones like Serotonin & Dopamine, your mood, and your energy is the key to better health!


Is It Ok If I Overdeliver?

Sign up now and I will throw in these awesome bonuses that help just that much more:


SPECIAL BONUS #1 ($97 Value)

4-Day Yoga Series - Yoga is proven to help lessen depression, as well as increase flexibility and aid in calmness. Plus, many people prefer yoga over other forms of physical activity. Taught by Emma as an easy to follow, beginner friendly yoga series in just 10-15 minute classes.


SPECIAL BONUS #2 ($127 Value)

5 Ingredient Recipe Pack - I totally get it can be stressful and hard to plan and make new meals. What if you had a recipe pack that only had 5 ingredients for each meal? You also get two separate week-long suggested meal plans and a grocery list for each. You don’t have to think about anything, just follow along with the recipes.

I’m not kidding when I say this challenge is designed to take the guesswork out of becoming healthier.


Total Value Of…


Regularly Sold For: $347

For A Limited Time…


Large print that says $97

That’s just 97 CAD one-time and you can get access to start your Healthy Body Happy Mind 12-Week Challenge!

That's a crazy good deal.

Just $1.15 per day or $8.08 per weekfor everything!

Picture of ribbon saying 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee

Plus A 100% Money Back Guarantee!

Yes, that’s correct. If you buy the challenge, follow the training and can show a legitimate attempt to implement what you’re taught using my strategies, I guarantee the challenge. Though, you will need to show me you tried each of the weekly challenges and had no results. I’m so confident the Healthy Body Happy Mind Challenge will improve your life that I’m willing to guarantee it. All you have to do is put the strategies to work.

Note: All guarantee challenges will require said challenger to supply evidence of completion and implementation of the strategies and weekly challenges.


Are You Ready To Take Action…

…and follow a proven process towards a happier, healthier life?

…and finally understand the connection between physical & mental health and implement these changes in your life?

…and stop feeling overwhelmed, unhappy, and unhealthy?

Let me take the guesswork out of becoming healthier!

Why Is This So Affordable Right Now?

To be honest, discounting this program to $97 right now is important, but this took A LOT of time and resources to build this challenge.

The reason I’m letting you have this right now for 97 is only for two reasons:

ONE: Mental health is something I care about deeply. I understand the desire for change but not knowing what to do. I believe everyone should have access to tools and knowledge that can improve their health, and honestly I wish this was taught to everyone in school. You should not have to guess what to do, and by the end of this challenge you will have the tools to keep that positive change for the rest of your life. This program is my way of providing an affordable and accessible way to build better mental health.

TWO: Because after this challenge some of you will continue to work with me with 1:1 coaching, and that is where the money to support Elate Fitness and programs like this challenge really comes from.

Unfortunately, I have to add the $97 won’t be able to stay forever and may be increased without warning.

Now it is time for you to decide:

What Stops You From Improving Your Well-Being?

Let me take the guesswork out of becoming healthier.

Why Partner With Me?

I get asked a lot, “Corbin, what makes what you teach different than anyone else?”

It’s a fair question and all I tell people is that I practice what I preach. I’ve been where you are and have worked with hundreds of people who go through very similar challenges.

I’ve spent more than the last decade learning, improving, and practicing this because mental health is so important to me.

I’ve taken all of my knowledge, the information I have found, and the experience and feedback of working with so many people, and I’ve put it all into this challenge.

I’ve blended my expertise on the human body, with my knowledge of mental health and and created a program that guides you through the process and shows you how to take action.

In other words, I know what you need to be doing right now to attain your Healthy Body and Happy Mind,

and I know how to break it down into bite sized tasks that get you to actually complete them.

Let Me Fully Introduce Myself…


Corbin Bednarik

Clinical Exercise Physiologist

Practicing Kinesiologist

High Performance Specialist

Level 2 EIMC Health Professional

Mental Health First Aid

My name is Corbin Bednarik and I have spent my whole professional life (13+ years now) helping people overcome chronic diseases, recover from injuries, and empowering people to improve their lives regardless of any challenges they face.

My younger sister, Sydney, died by suicide in 2017, after silently battling anxiety and depression. This was the catalyst for creating Elate Fitness.

My goal is to make sure no one else around me has to feel alone, not knowing what to do, like my sister did while feeling unhappy or hopeless.

The human body is intricate and there are so many powerful ways to help balance your mood, manage anxiety, lessen depression, attain a healthy body, and create good health for life.

Everyone should have access to this information. Elate Fitness is your guide to that.

The Healthy Body Happy Mind 12-Week Challenge is my way of creating a powerful, affordable and accessible program that anyone can start immediately.


Here’s Just A Small Handful Of Things Clients Have Said About Working With Me:

I was mentioning to a friend that while at the gym I felt like I had no confidence in trying new things so I usually hid in the corner on my treadmill. He recommended Corbin to me.
My goal was initially to lose weight but what I gained from the program was much more than that. Corbin taught me things about my diet and broke it down into ways I could understand easily. I can happily say now that the knowledge Corbin has given me on not only exercises but nutrition as well has changed who I am today. He has taught me things I will carry with me for the rest of my life!
I’d like to thank him for genuinely wanting to help me get fit and be my best self both physically AND mentally. I truly enjoy how easy the Elate Fitness app is and I felt that was a huge key to my success. Thank you Corbin for everything you’ve done!
— Janessa M
Working with Corbin has been awesome. His knowledge and experience was exactly what I was looking for. Following his plans are easy, using the app that he provides. Everything is well explained and great for tracking your progress.
— Jesse B
I have been lucky enough to work with Corbin for some time now. I initially hired him because of his extensive background and credentials, but then quickly learned that he offers so much more than that! He understands that someone’s work out routine and wellness requires support for their habits, emotional and mental health, plus knowledge regarding the body and mind. As we all know life is dynamic.
Corbin has adapted with me as my body, life, and schedule have changed, all while showing me results with our work out regime. He caters the work outs to my body and pushes me mentally and physically. I am stronger both mentally and physically and I owe that to Corbin and his comprehensive program. Thank you Corbin!
— Shaina K
Although I had already been working out for years, the program included many interesting exercises that I had never done before, which helped keep me motivated and excited to work out.
What I appreciated about the program is the focus was functional exercises, ensuring that the movements mimic the body’s natural movements and activities from everyday life.
— Sheila B

Are You Ready To Join Me And Get Started?

I don’t want you to go through the struggle of spending thousands of dollars on fitness programs, gym memberships, unnecessary supplements, coaches, and more trying to get results.

I’ve spent the time to figure out an efficient way to help create good physical and mental health, and I’m going to give it all to you with this package. Sounds good?

You won’t have to waste money, or worse, waste years of time trying to figure out what to do, because you will be doing it right the first time. There’s no trial and error phase.

Even if you only learn half of what I’ve claimed today, it will pay for itself in a short time.

Corbin facing away towards a sunset with a red and blue sky

The Way I see It, You Have Two Options:

Option ONE: You feel this isn’t for you and you do nothing with this (which is 100% risk free).

Option TWO: You make a tiny investment today (compared to all the value you’ll get in return) and give it a shot. See if it works for you, and if you get through the challenge and for some reason don’t see any results, you get your money back. There’s no risk so you have nothing to lose but the time, stress, and challenges of not doing this.

I know there can be fear around spending money. That is why I made sure to have have SO much more value in this challenge than the $97 investment to join. Especially compared to similar costs like one nice dinner out, a tank of gas (or two), a couple movie nights, a new pair of pants, a month of coffee or supplements (if you don’t use that much ;) )…

Notice how all those things have no value once they are done?

How Many Things Can You Spend $97 On That Will Continue Benefiting You For Life?

If you’re still on the fence, now is the time to sign up and get started. There is no risk, but the only way for you to know if it’s right for you is to get started now. And I can’t keep this price for the Healthy Body Happy Mind 12-Week Challenge this low forever and prices will go up. Come work with me and see how you can create good mental and physical health.

Need A Little More Proof? Here Are A Few More Testimonials From Past Clients:

In October of 2017 I decided I needed help. The challenges in my life became too overwhelming affecting my health, fitness and overall wellness. I needed to change. I needed to find a way to help deal with stress and anxiety.
I’ve always been into fitness so this seemed to be the next logical step. Sometimes it just takes asking that question. For me it was approaching Corbin and saying “can you help me?” What I got in return was an incredible workout routine, advice on diet and accessible advice and help at any time.
My life has been turned around for the better. All I had to do was get the courage to ask.
— Steve L
I found Corbin to be very knowledgeable and professional. I found the exercises to be interesting and easy to follow. I would highly recommend Corbin to anyone interested in improving their fitness.
— Barb M
Corbin is extremely knowledgeable about what and why we were doing certain exercises. As important I found his enthusiasm to be infectious so that when adding in his various motivational tricks I was always looking forward to the next session.
— Dave A
Corbin brings a more in depth, knowledgeable and well organized approach to this field. He utilizes a variety of interesting exercises for core, upper body, flexibility etc to promote overall development. I highly recommend Corbin.
— Ann K
I worked with Corbin for two years and I highly recommend him to anyone. I have back issues but with Corbin’s extensive knowledge and application of his expertise I was able to achieve a very high level of fitness. And it was fun!
— Liz O
Corbin is incredibly knowledgeable, professional, encouraging and inspiring about all things health and fitness. An authentic, personable and caring coach he will immediately set you at ease.
I can’t say enough about how grateful I am to Corbin and how impressed I am by him. Starting on a fitness journey can be difficult for a variety of reasons and many can feel vulnerable or get discouraged. Working with Corbin, I always felt supported and safe. I would highly recommend him, especially to those who have been away from fitness or are dealing with health issues and think they can’t also workout. You can and the benefits of an active, healthy life are infinite!
— Nissa B
I became addicted to the good feeling after working out. Thanks Corbin for your awesome program, tips and giving me a new life long activity that will benefit me in all ways: physical, emotional and spiritual!
— Sheny G
Corbin receives our highest recommendation. Complimenting his professional knowledge Corbin is also very personable and a pleasure to work with.
— Dr.Gerry Kelly
I started my fitness journey with Corbin a few years ago. Now that I’m a dad I was looking for support in the areas of endurance, strength and an overall healthier lifestyle. From the get go he was incredibly knowledgeable. He is always encouraging and pushes me to reach my fitness goals.
— George B
Corbin’s helped me lose 127lbs. I’ve gone from 325lbs to my current weight at 197lbs and I’m not done yet. Corbin has helped me regain confidence, my self-esteem, my strength, my eating habits, and manage my eating disorder. To sum it up, Corbin is one of the key people who’s put the happiness back in my life.
— Rockell S

Let’s Get Started!

Still Unsure? I Want You To Think About Some Things For A Minute…

The Scariest Thing In Life, To Me, Is Knowing Time Does Not Replenish.

Life is short… Every month (or payday) for most people money replenishes. But time does NOT replenish. It disappears. So you can go out and spend months or years of your valuable time to figure out what to do (and unfortunately many people never will) but you will never get that time back. Instead you can save your time and unnecessary effort, because I’ve spent the time to build this challenge for you. It will be a small investment to get started, but you will get that money back, whereas the potential years of struggle, the frustration, the challenges with body image, all of that is wasted time, and it’s gone forever. To me, the scariest thing is reaching 40, 50, 60+ years old, and feeling regret from not taking action and changing the parts of my life I have control over, sooner. Because you can’t go back. All you have is right now.

Habits Are Really Hard To Change.

I know this. That’s why I’ve spent so much time researching the psychology and physiology of how habits form in the mind and what motivates and inspires people to change. The hardest part is taking immediate action. You may have read this page and thought you learned some cool stuff, but tomorrow you may go right back to your regular routine, right? You would be doing what I have done many times, and what most people do when they get stuck in habits. But I don’t want you to slip back into comfortable habits. I want to become your mentor and a friend you can trust. I want to make sure you are successful in creating new healthy habits. If you want real lasting change, you need repeated exposure to do that. That’s what you get when you invest today. That’s what you get when you start now.

Ready To Improve Your Physical And Mental Health?

Let me take the guesswork out of becoming healthier.

Click the blue button below to get started.

And don’t forget there is a 100% money back guarantee!

I Look Forward To Hopefully Working With You Soon!


You Made It To The End!

Yes, I’m sure you’re wondering why my logo is a duck.

My sister’s nickname to some was little duck, and it felt right to tie that into the logo.

Here is a photo of the plaque on the memorial wall in the Kelowna General Hospital (KGH) after my friends and family helped raise and donate over $5700 towards the opening of Foundry Kelowna.


(Foundry offers youth mental health support for those aged 12-24 throughout BC, Canada).

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